Things are kinda *gestures chaotically* right now. 

But in a good way.

The inbox is bursting, the phones are blaring, and the live chat is blazing.

Basically, it has been an all-out adrenaline orgy since our Black Friday sale started a few days ago. 

(If you haven’t already, be sure to take advantage of the mega-deals before it’s too late.)

And so, with Thanksgiving just behind us, I just wanted to let you know just how much I appreciate you.

Legion simply wouldn’t exist without people like you, and that’s truer now than ever before, in the inescapable Mortal Kombat combo that is the year 2020.


I mean it. 

Because of you, my team and I get to do what we love and pursue our mission to help millions of people get and stay fit and healthy.

And that’s pretty cool. Like, “I-kinda-have-a-soul-boner-now” cool.

You’re an integral part of that process, too, because every time you spread the word about my stuff, buy something, or even just let me know how you’re doing, you’re helping.

So, the bottom line:

I’m lucky to have you in my camp, and I’ll keep doing my best to bring you more and better information, products, and services.

And that means there are many good things to come, including more new supplements, flavors, articles, podcasts, books, apps, and too many others to list here.

Much love from my family to yours this holiday season.


P.S. A little nervous about gaining too much fat this weekend? Check out this article: 

8 Tips for Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain that Actually Work

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