Possible Reasons for Weight Loss in Cats

Cats are unarguably one of the most fun animals to keep as pets. They carry a charismatic demeanor that attracts everyone around them. When it comes to cat care, one should be watchful of their weight. Most people believe that weight loss is common in senior cats; however, doctors from animal hospital Virginia Beach have a different opinion. A pet owner shouldn’t ignore unexplained weight loss in cats as it could be a sign of an underlying health issue.

If you suspect your feline is losing weight and not feeling her usual self lately, you must consult a veterinarian near you.

In this post, we have discussed some possible reasons for weight loss in cats.

How to examine weight loss in cats?

Weight loss in cats can be gradual or sudden. When your cat starts to lose weight over some time, it gets hard to tell if they are underweight. Many cat breeds have long hair, which presents another challenge in assessing the weight of the cat.

One of the simplest ways to assess your cat’s physical condition is a visual inspection. You can conduct a visual inspection by looking at the cat’s body from the top. Cats with ideal body weight form a noticeable tuck or fold at the waist. Another way to tell if your cat is underweight is to run your hands along the cat’s sides. If you can see and feel the ribs very prominently, your cat might be malnourished.

Possible reasons for weight loss in pets

Undereating or dietary deficiency can be a possible reason for weight loss in pets. However, if your cat is experiencing weight loss even after getting all the required nutrients, there might be some serious health problems.


Hyperthyroidism is a common disorder in senior cats. Hyperthyroidism in cats is a condition where the thyroid gland enlarges, causing overproduction of thyroid hormone. The thyroid gland can enlarge due to a benign tumor.

The symptoms of hyperthyroidism can be weight loss, increased appetite and thirst, and frequent urination. Besides this, a cat may experience diarrhea, vomiting, restlessness, or even get hyperactive. In some cats, hyperthyroidism may cause their coats to look greasy and unkempt. To treat hyperthyroidism, vets either perform radioactive iodine therapy or give oral medications.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Most senior cats are susceptible to chronic kidney diseases. Kidneys play a crucial role in filtering out the toxins and wastes from the blood, regulating blood pressure, and producing new blood cells. In senior cats, when kidneys stop performing their functions optimally, it can lead to various ailments. Weight loss, loss of appetite, frequent urination, increased thirst, and weakness are prominent signs of kidney disease.

Since chronic kidney diseases are untreatable, one must take their cats to the pet hospital Virginia Beach for regular health checkups.


Diabetes is a common ailment amongst cats. Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disorder that affects the pancreas. It disables the pancreas’ capability to produce the insulin required to regulate glucose levels in the blood. In diabetes, the cat may lose weight and experience frequent urination and weakness. Vets treat diabetes in pets through insulin injections and dietary changes. Repeated treatment can cause the pancreas to perform optimally.

By sutris