Everything You Should Know About Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms And How To treat Them

One of the health issues recognized by the World Health Organization across the world is nutrients deficiency. Billions of individuals across the world are believed to lack the vital micronutrients that help the body to function efficiently. Nutrient deficiencies occur both in developing and industrialized countries due to particular diseases, poor-quality diet and medication. You may have concerns about how you will identify nutrient deficiency symptoms. This has outlined every information you should know.

As said earlier, vitamins and minerals are essential for proper body functioning and development and preventing diseases. Since your body is not capable of naturally producing these vital nutrients, you should consume them from your diet. When you lack nutrients in your body, you may develop dementia, skin disorders, digestive problems, and defective bone growth, you can view here for more health issues. To prevent these, everyone needs to take different amounts of nutrients. Some of the nutrient deficiencies that affect people are discussed here.

One of them is vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A is relied upon by the body for immune system strength, reproductive health and eye health. A leading cause of blindness in children is vitamin A deficiency; this is according to data from the World Health Organization. Pregnant women lacking sufficient vitamin A are at a higher risk of mortality rate. Breast-milk is a good source of vitamin A for babies, while sweet potato, broccoli, tomatoes, milk, peaches, and eggs are the best sources for other people. Another problem that may cause anemia is iron deficiency. Some symptoms of anemia, which is a blood disorder include fatigue and weakness.

Egg yolks, dark green leafy vegetables, and red meat are foods that have iron. Iron helps your body to produce red blood cells. Lack of iron causes these cells to produced and they may be paler, thus will not effectively carry oxygen to other body organs. Calcium deficiency is another nutrient deficiency that you may have. Benefits of calcium mineral in the body are the development of strong bones and teeth and they help your muscles, nerves, and heart to function correctly. Convulsions and abnormal heart rhythms are known to be as a result of lack of calcium.

The best calcium sources include yogurt, broccoli, milk, kale, and cheese. Depending on the nutrients a person is lacking, there are multiple symptoms. The following symptoms will show you have nutrient deficiency; hair loss, constipation, heart palpitations, trouble breathing, depression and poor concentration. Particular disease that causes your body not to be able to absorb nutrients is one of the causes of nutrient deficiency. Celiac disease and colon cancer lead to iron deficiency.

By sutris